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Cell Phone Policy


“Away for the Day”

Turner Middle School strives to create a learning environment that provides students and teachers the best opportunities for growth and achievement each day. Therefore, we will move toward the idea of “away for the day” as a means to help keep our focus on academics and to reduce unnecessary classroom distractions. TMS will be implementing the following cell phone/personal electronic device policy for the 2019-2020 school year. 

Student Expectations:

  • I understand that I am allowed to have my cell phone at TMS, but I am asked not to use it during the school day. These areas include hallways, cafeteria, classrooms, restrooms, and other locations around TMS.
  • I understand that I am responsible for the safekeeping of my cell phone and/or electronic devices.
  • I am encouraged to have my cell phone turned “off” or put on airplane mode and keep my cell phone or device out of view for the entire school day.
  • I understand if I need to make an emergency call during the day, I am able to come to the main office, check in, and use either my personal device or a school phone.
  • In understand I may have my smart watch on, but only in airplane mode and receiving/sending text message may result in the loss of this privilege.

Our “away for the day” starts upon entering the building and when exiting the building at the end of the school day.  Violation of our policy may result in the following:

First offense: warning and student asked to put the device away.

Second offense: cell phone or device confiscated, brought to the main office, and retrieved at the end of the day.

Third offense: cell phone or device confiscated, brought to the main office, parents/guardians notified, and phone retrieved at the end of the day.

Fourth offense: cell phone or device confiscated, brought to the main office, parents notified, and parents/guardians pick up phone or device from office.

Any further incidents will follow the TSD Code of Conduct for insubordination and may result in consequences ranging from checking in a phone/PED daily to out of school suspensions.

August 2019