Turner Middle School
We are a CRPBIS school (Culturally Responsive Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports). Therefore, there is a school wide focus on the importance of a student’s environment and the role it plays in encouraging/discouraging problem behavior. We have a clear set of behavioral expectations and goals for students and staff. We use direct, explicit teaching of appropriate student behavior expectations for specific locations in the school. Each day at TMS every one of us practices being a PRO by using PERSEVERANCE, showing RESPECT, and taking OWNERSHIP.
Since we are a CRPBIS school we have a behavior (PRO) Matrix for all areas of the building, including when we practice and talk about our Standard Response Safety Drills.
Castle Culture: We have created towers and castles to further support our positive climate and culture in the building. There are three towers in each castle: 6th, 7th, and 8th. We have a total of 8 castles: time, energy, metal, rock, ice, water, wind, and fire. Each tower meets two times a week to engage in lessons about school success strategies, social emotional learning, Sources of Strength, wellness, Character Strong lessons, and team building. Twice a quarter castles meet for group activities and four times a year all castles meet in our assemblies.
Dragon’s Lair: Students can earn Dragon tokens for their positive behaviors and contributions. These tokens can be pooled as Castle points or students may choose to spend them in our Dragon’s Lair (school store).
Culture of Celebrating: We understand that valuing and celebrating hard work and our successes help to build that healthy positive culture. We recognize students in numerous ways: student of the month, grade level teams, growth and achievement, through activities and athletics just to name a few.
Student Support: To assist staff with an inclusive, safe, and supportive environment we have the following programs in place for students: WEB (Where Everybody Belongs), Give Next, Sources of Strength, Character Strong, and our Dragon Student Leadership Team.
WEB (Where Everybody Belongs): This is a nationally recognized middle school transition program where students are trained as mentors to help new students feel comfortable and succeed in their first year. This program is part of our transition work for 5th-6th grade.
Give Next: This is a youth philanthropy program where students are asked to volunteer and participate in grantmaking. Students are offered first-hand experience in the role that nonprofits and philanthropy play in our community.
Sources of Strength: this is a program to support students and staff in the prevention of suicide, violence, bullying and substance abuse through empower students and staff through connections, hope, help and strength.
Character Strong: This program offers staff training and student lessons to help improve behavior, increase safety, and support mental health. Lessons are used during our PRO class.
Dragon Leadership Team: this group of 8th graders purpose is similar to a student council. They help with whole school student assemblies, dances, day-to-day activities such as announcements, and fundraising for designated purposes.