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PTO Bylaws


Article I: Name
The name of our organization is the Turner Middle School Parent Teacher Organization

Article II: Purpose
This organization exists for the purpose of assisting and supporting the needs of Turner
Middle School students, teachers, and staff through staff appreciation events, positive
recognition of students, and by providing special student programs, assets and tools that
encourage a positive and enriched learning environment.

Article III: Members

1. Membership in this organization shall be automatic to parents, guardians,
educators, and staff of Turner Middle School.
2. All members shall be entitled to vote and hold office.

Article IV: Officers
1. Officers
a. The elected positions of this organization shall be the President, Vice
President, Secretary, Volunteer Coordinator, and Treasurer.
b. The officers of this organization shall be the President, Vice President,
Secretary, Volunteer Coordinator, Treasurer, and Principal or Teacher Liaison.
c. These positions may be shared by two persons if mutually agreed upon by
said individuals and the PTO Board.

2. Officer Duties

a. President
i. Preside over board meetings and call special meetings when
ii. Prepare agendas for official organized meetings through
organization’s gmail account
iii. Appoint chairpersons of committees
iv. Be an ex-officio member of all committees
v. Have general supervision over the affairs of the organization
vi. Serve as official representative of the organization
vii. Manage fund requests and determine fundraising needs
viii. Retain all PTO records
ix. Make an annual report to the membership
x. Be a signer on financial account(s)

b. Vice President
i. Perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that
officer to act
ii. Assist President when called upon
iii. Coordinate communications with the parent community via the
school’s secretary; including the TMS Newsletter, TMS social media
pages, and TMS website
iv. Be a signer on financial account(s)

c. Secretary
i. Maintain a complete and accurate record of all organizational
ii. Prepare minutes for each meeting. Minutes will be prepared on the
organization's gmail account, approved by at least one other board
member(s), and be linked to on the TMS website

iii. During September’s Board Meeting, have copies of current bylaws
available to membership. Email a copy of current bylaws to TMS to be
linked on the TMS website.
iv. Draft and send member notices as required
v. Maintain accurate record keeping of any PTO correspondence
conducted electronically
vi. Perform other duties assigned by President

d. Volunteer Coordinator
i. Coordinate volunteers for all school activities and verify through the
VITAL system
ii. Submit all necessary reports regarding volunteers to the school and/or
district as necessary
iii. Promote volunteer opportunities: Coordinate with the Vice President
for TMS newsletter additions, social media posts, email blasts, etc.
iv. Moderator access and effective use of the “Turner Middle School
Parents & Volunteers” Facebook page to promote volunteer
v. Draft events in SignUpGenius as necessary
vi. Perform other duties assigned by President

e. Treasurer
i. Receive all monies of the organization
ii. Keep accurate records of all deposits and withdrawals for the
organization’s financial account(s). Accounts will be kept up monthly
and may be reviewed by any member
iii. Maintain receipts of expenditures and deposits
iv. Maintain all correspondence relating to the organization’s incurred bills
v. Pay out funds only as authorized by the organization

vi. Ensure all checks over two hundred dollars ($200) are signed by two
signing officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer)
vii. Report on the organization’s financial status at each Board Meeting
viii. At the first General Meeting of the school year:

1. Provide a year-end report of the income and expenditures
for the previous year
2. Work with the board or a designated committee to draft a
prospective annual budget for the current year
ix. File all necessary tax forms and schedules as required by the IRS
x. Maintain the organization’s tax exempt status
xi. Coordinate Article IX activities
xii. Perform other duties assigned by President
f. Principal
i. The principal of Turner Middle School is a permanent member of the
PTO Board
ii. Account for funds from Annual Fundraiser as outlined in Attachment
iii. The Principal may, at their discretion, appoint a Teacher Liaison in
their place for a specified amount of time

Article V: Nominations and Elections

1. Nomination Process
a. One month preceding the last general PTO meeting of each school year,
General and Board PTO Members shall make nominations for the positions of
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Volunteer Coordinator.
Nominations are solicited voluntarily and communicated via the newsletter,
website, and social media posts. Board Members will ensure that nominated
individuals are interested in their respective office. At the last general
meeting of the school year there will be a ballot to vote for each nominated
officer for the following school year.

b. The vacated position of President is encouraged to be filled by the Vice
President. If applicable, the Teacher Liaison position will be appointed by the
principal of the school.
c. All new officers shall assume office on the last regularly scheduled day of the
school year.
2. Eligibility
Members are eligible for office if they fulfill PTO membership requirements as
outlined in Article III.
3. Terms of Office
Officers are elected for one year and may serve no more than four (4)
consecutive terms in the same office unless voted in by at least a two-thirds vote.
Each person elected shall hold only one office at a time.
4. Vacancies
If there is a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President will become the
President. At the next regularly scheduled meeting, a new Vice President will be
elected. If there is a vacancy in any other office, members will fill the vacancy
through an election at the next regular meeting.
5. Removal from Office
Officers can be removed from office with or without cause by a two-thirds vote of
those present (assuming a quorum) at a regular meeting where previous notice
has been given.

Article VI: Meetings
See Attachment III for meeting process guidelines.

Article VII: PTO Board Members

1. Membership
The Board shall consist of the Officers and standing Committee Chairs.
2. Duties

a. Draft standing rules and policies
b. Create standing and temporary Committees
c. Prepare and submit a budget to the membership
d. Approve routine bills and special requests
e. Prepare reports and recommendations to the membership

3. Board Meetings
Board Meetings are monthly at a time determined at the beginning of the school
year and open to all Officers and general members. Meeting times will be
available on the organization’s Facebook page. If general members wish to have
an item on the Board Meeting agenda they must submit their request to any
Officer prior to the Board Meeting.
4. Quorum
Four Board Members constitute a quorum for a Board Meeting.

Article VIII: Committees & Activities

1. Membership
Committees may consist of members and board members, with the President
acting as an ex-officio member of all Committees.
2. Standing Committees
The following Committees may be supported under the PTO Board: Fundraising,
Teacher Appreciation, Membership and/or Nominations, Communications,
Student and Family Events and Auditing.
3. Additional Committees
The Board may appoint additional Committees as needed.
4. Fundraisers
See Attachment I
5. PTO sponsored Activities

See Attachment II
6. Request for funds from PTO
Any PTO member may request any donations or funds for activities or programs
to enhance the school community of Turner Middle School. A request for funds
form (see schedule B) needs to be completed. The request will be brought
forward to the PTO Board at the monthly meeting and be fulfilled if within the
above guidelines. All supported activities and programs are provided if funds are
available within yearly budget guidelines and in accordance with volunteer

Article IX: Finances

1. A tentative budget shall be drafted in the fall for each school year and be approved
or revised and approved at the next Board Meeting by a majority vote of the
members present.
2. The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of any disbursements, income, and bank
account information.
3. The Board shall approve all expenses of the organization.
4. Two authorized signatures shall be required on each check over the amount of
$200. Authorized signers shall be the President, Vice President, and Treasurer.
5. The Treasurer shall prepare a financial statement at the end of the year, to be
reviewed by the Board, and provided for review to the general members.
6. Upon the dissolution of the organization, any remaining funds should be used to
pay any outstanding bills and, with the membership’s approval, spent for the benefit
of the school.
7. The fiscal year shall coordinate with the school year. Beginning in August and
ending in July.

Article X: Dissolution
This organization may be dissolved with previous notice (14 calendar days) and a 2/3
vote of those present at the meeting (assuming a quorum). In the case of dissolution, all
assets of Turner Middle School PTO would be credited to the school’s general fund.

Article XI: Amendments
Any member of the PTO may submit amendments of revisions to the bylaws.
These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting, providing that
previous notice was given in writing at the prior meeting and then sent to all members of
the organization by the Secretary.
Notice may be given by postal mail or e-mail prior to the next General Meeting.
Amendments will be approved by a two-thirds vote of those present, assuming a

Article XII. Bylaws Review, Revision, and Distribution
The PTO Board will review the bylaws every year at the beginning of the school year to
ensure accuracy and applicability. These bylaws shall be distributed at the September
meeting of the General PTO each year and will be available anytime in the school’s
office, on the TMS website, and on the organization’s Facebook page.

Revised and Approved May 3, 2024


Section I: TMS PTO Fundraisers
1. Annual Fundraiser
It shall be the policy of the PTO to sponsor one major fundraiser per school year, if
able. This fundraiser shall be an annual event decided upon by the PTO Board. The
money raised by this event shall be used for a TMS and PTO Board approved project
or given directly to TMS. An accounting of where the funds were used will be
provided to the PTO each year by the Committee or Principal. Any expenses
associated with the Annual Fundraiser will be covered by the proceeds from the
Annual Fundraiser or PTO funds.
2. Dances
Dances are held at least three (3) times per year and dates are determined by the
Principal. The PTO provides concession stand and supports expenditures associated
with dance (i.e. DJ and decorations). Ticket proceeds from the end of year dance
(historically the Luau) will go directly to Turner Middle School to support Web
Leadership and sixth grade transitioning.
3. Concession Stand
Concession stand may be provided at any TMS home activity such as athletic events,
dances, or any school sponsored event. PTO provides items to sell and creates a
price sheet. PTO is also responsible for any required maintenance of the cart.
4. Operating Budget
The money raised by dances and concessions shall be the main source of funds for
the PTO’s operating budget.
5. Berthoud Schools Fund
The Berthoud School’s Fund sponsors technology and other needs in all of the
Berthoud Public Schools. TMS supports this organization by collecting silent auction
items as directed by the BASH committee.
6. Additional Fundraising
Other fundraisers will be undertaken at the discretion of the PTO Board with approval
of the general PTO membership and TMS.

7. Collection Items
Box Tops, King Soopers cards, Longmont Dairy caps, and American Furniture
Warehouse funds are coordinated, marketed and managed by the TMS PTO.

Section II: PTO Supported Activities
1. Activities
a. Back to school night: Provide PTO information and candy, drinks or ice
b. 5th grade open house: Provide PTO information
c. Eighth grade dance: Provide agreed upon budget to use towards the event
and initiate a Committee or initial meeting with eighth grade parent
d. After school clubs/activities: Provide any materials or snacks associated with
2. Book Fairs
Optional activity during fall and spring conferences.
3. Teacher Appreciation Events
The PTO will provide, through donations and financial support, events for
teachers and staff during fall and spring conferences (ie: dinner).
4. Field Trips/Scholarships
The PTO will subsidize school field trips as needed. The PTO will also sponsor
students that may have financial inability to pay for additional academic support
offered through Thompson School District, specifically summer programs. These
requests can be coordinated through the school office or the student’s teacher.
5. School Supplies
The PTO will purchase supplies for those students who are unable to supply their
own. This is provided as needed and coordinated through the school secretary
or teacher.
6. Annual Reimbursement to Teachers and Staff
Each year the PTO will provide each staff member and teacher with a
reimbursement determined by the yearly budget. This amount is not to exceed

$100. This reimbursement is intended to assist teachers and staff with the out of
pocket expenses that have directly benefited the students. Teachers and staff
must submit a reimbursement form and provide information on how the funds
were used.
7. Retirement
Cash or gift card for retiring staff and teachers. These gifts will not exceed $100.
8. Sunshine Fund
In the case of serious illness/injury to a TMS student or their immediate family
member, or a TMS staff member or their spouse or child, the PTO will provide a
card and support to the family. Support is offered by coordinating meals for those
in need and/or gas or grocery gift cards. Gift cards will not exceed $100. This
support is provided as able.
9. Death of TMS Student, Staff or Their Immediate Family Member(s)
The PTO will provide a card and a $25.00 memorial donation. The PTO will also
coordinate dinners as able and in accordance with the family’s wishes.
10. Administrative Professionals Day
PTO purchases a thank you gift for each TMS secretary for the support they
provide to the PTO throughout the school year. This gift will not exceed $50.00
11. Special Requests
Any member of the PTO may request funds for activities that would benefit the
school community. TMS’ Request for Funds form must be completed online or
completed and turned in to any Board Member. The request will be reviewed at
the following Board Meeting and be fulfilled if within the above guidelines and
approved by members.
12. Volunteer Coordination and Recruitment
Coordination and recruitment of volunteers for all of the above as well as school
activities and classroom support is done through the Volunteer Coordinator with
the support of the PTO.
13. Budget Item Approval
All budget items are presented at the first General Meeting of the school year
(September). Each item must be agreed upon. The budget is passed if the
majority of the membership is in favor.

Section III: TMS PTO Meeting Process
1. Robert’s Rules of Order Shall Govern All Meetings
a. Conduct business one item at a time.
b. General Meetings should resolve major issues. Smaller details should be
handled by Committees.
c. Speakers should address the Chairperson directly to keep a single topic at
hand and eliminate crosstalk.
d. Stop redundant conversations by summarizing the topic followed by asking
for new information. When no new information is provided, eliminate further
discussion by calling for a motion.

2. Motions (a brief, precise statement of proposed action)
a. A member can make a motion only when that member has been recognized
by the presiding officer and has the floor.
b. Motions require a second to show that another member is interested in said
c. Once seconded, the Secretary will read/restate the motion for the benefit of
the members.
d. Motion is voted on. The Secretary records the motion and voting results.
3. Debate of Motions
a. Each member who is present and chooses to speak will have an opportunity
to speak.
b. Motion amendment: If a member has the floor they are entitled to amend the
motion. This amendment must be seconded. An additional vote is then held
to accept or reject the amendment to the motion.
c. Members can close the debate by passing a specific motion to have the vote
take place immediately.
d. Members can set time limits on the debate by passing a specific motion.
e. Members may vote to “table the motion” to postpone the motion until a
specified date or event.

4. Voting on a Motion
a. Voting takes place once every member has the opportunity to speak or once
the debate has been closed.
b. The Secretary reads the motion, then the presiding officer calls for a voice
c. A secret ballot will be used when required by motion or by Bylaws.
d. The President has the right to vote, but is only required to vote when their
vote would change the outcome of the motion.
e. Motions will be passed with a simple majority unless otherwise specified in
the Bylaws.

Revised and Approved May 3, 2024